You are my Habit
Aadat hai Tu meri
Theme - Arrange Marriage
Neelam Singh Khurana - Mother of Maan Singh Khurana and one and only member in his life, she was running the business smoothly after his husband's death and take care of her son at the same time
Maan Singh Khurana - hair of a leading construction company but still need to touch the sky.. currently 22 yr old and doing his MBA through the reputed institute of India. He is living in a private accommodation all alone in Ahmedabad but most of the time his friend company him in the flat.
Geet Handa - A village illiterate girl... her family was a friend of Khurana family from last 4 generation and now her father died when Neelam Khurana did his last ritual and took Geet under her wings as would be daughter-in-law without paying any attention to her son... who is 360 degree opposite to her. She is an innocent village girl, who is never going to be accepted in their society and social circle.
An innocent girl who is illiterate but knew all duties as a wife. She couldn't read books but can read hearts and eyes, her heart filled with so much love and eye with dreams, but destiny made her helpless for marriage in this tender age of 19 yrs.
He is doing his MBA from the top institute of the contrary and had his own Plans about every step of his life but the most precious person in his life is his mother Neelam, who comes above from everyone and everything. He is just 22 yrs old and going to take over his family business very soon. Of course, he had his own fantasy about his companion or say life - partner.
But Destiny decided a clash between two poles of the earth.
He is doing his MBA from the top institute of the contrary and had his own Plans about every step of his life but the most precious person in his life is his mother Neelam, who comes above from everyone and everything. He is just 22 yrs old and going to take over his family business very soon. Of course, he had his own fantasy about his companion or say life - partner.
But Destiny decided a clash between two poles of the earth.
Story 1
You are my Habit
Aadat hai Tu meri
Theme - Arrange Marriage
This SS had lots of Maan and Geet's scene and this is a light hearted story.
In the Khurana's villa
"Maan !!!" Neelam said angrily.. "that was an order.. got it".
"Please mom.. I am saying once again.. I am still not interested in marriage and that to some village girl.. who couldn't even match me... forget about companionship or love.. how could you just destroy your son life for a mere known girl" Maan was really frustrated with his mom wired demand of marriage that too when he is studying and moreover with an illiterate girl. How could he balance his life with a partner who is just exactly opposite to him?
"As you wish Maan... Nakul pack my bags... I'll live with her in her house... just couldn't leave an innocent girl all alone.." Neelam said and marched back to her room.
Maan has been boring his eyes on her back in disbelief.. his mom.. his lovable mom is ready to leave him alone just for a mere village girl, couldn't she just get her here and encourage her for studies.. why all this marriage and drama.
He marched behind her in the room, where his mom was engrossed in packing with Nakul but he couldn't hold his frustration and angrily empty the bag on the floor in one move and shooting glares at Nakul. Nakul saved his own life and got hidden message of his master to leave them alone.
"Mom.. !!! Are you seriously leaving your Maan for that damn girl?? Ohh.. what was her name.. yes Geet" Maan hold Neelam's shoulder in his palms like a toddler as his eyes are reflecting same innocence and hurt.
"Maan" Neelam sighed little... "I have to leave my dear because those villager's heads aren't going to let her go from there before marriage".
"For god sake mom.. she is an adult and capable of taking her own decisions.. and as much as I remembered.. we are still in the 21st century," Maan said in frustration.
"Yes..!! 21st century but let me tell you my son... there are many rules which still not exist in books but exists in society... we can't fight with those villager's as they had their own rule and regulations and believe me Maan.. do I ever compromise when it's comes to you.."
Maan just shook his head in no and turned his face another side. His mom always served him best or what is best for him.. from bitter cough syrup to those fake scolding.. just all are for his betterment till today.. but why marriage... Maan whined like a baby.
"Then why..?? Don't you believe your mom anymore or you are enough big now to take decisions on your own... she is really a homely and good girl.. who will be your backbone all your life... She will not leave you even after I left this world my son.. and I gave my words to her.. now do whatever you want Mr.Khurana"
Neelam just sat there and drank the water from the jug which is placed on side stool attached to the bed.
He glared her because of she is talking all stupid talks of dying and all... "Then why are you bothering to ask me.. just say when and where I had to take rounds around the fire and finish this off," Maan said angrily and left the room.
Neelam sighed "I know Maan.. you are not with me in this decision at all but this is for your own good my son as I observed your company nowadays and those friends of yours are going to spoil you and your innocence, where another side, she was going to teach what is love, what is value.. she may be poor with words but she has a big heart and you need her more than she needs you"
Neelam called pandit Ji in the village and request him to get ready for preparation of marriage. It will be a small affair because of Geet's father death.
He didn't realize... how soon his status changed as an unhappy married man from single happy bachelor, his mom doesn't take even a single day after Geet's father "Terri" (a ritual performed after 13 days of death). She didn't want to leave Geet alone in the village.. so she did everything very quietly and made them also did rituals in a temple.. under the blessing of herself and village sarpanch along with 4 or 5 more people from Geet sides.
Neelam could see her son denial in each and every ritual but she ignored it.. whilst Maan is sucking.
"Please forgive me... Krishna Ji! But this was his grandparents wish so was Geet's grandparents. I would have ignored this wish of them but the sudden death of her father left me with no option and I have to provide a safe accommodation for this little princess.." Neelam sighed.
She welcomed Geet in her bungalow wholeheartedly and made her do all the ritual.. thus Maan was irritated but couldn't speak in front of his mom.. especially when she was overly happy.
She sends her in Maan's room with young girls of the family who recently gathered in Khurana's bungalow after hearing his cousin married than called Maan in her room.
"Mom!!" His disappointed voice always sent shiver in Neelam body but this time... the situation wasn't in her favor.
"I know Maan... I had snatched a very private right of your life... and you has been angry on me for it.. but that was your grandparents wish to see Geet as their daughter in law... but with time this wish vanished in the layer of distance between two families but after seeing that innocent naive girl at the misery of villagers. I couldn't stop myself to tied the knot between you both.. as I had believed in you for her protection.. you may be stubborn, short tempered and modern but I know there is a heart in you hard exterior.. so was my given values.. don't make her feel out of place.. because you never understand.. what is she going through nowadays? Don't make her cry Maan.. she is really very innocent.." Maan was going to leave her room when Neelam added in her speech. "I would choose her.. in case you make situation something like that in future" she remove her glasses and laid down on the bad.. "please close the door before leaving" Neelam heart cried for his son.. so another side she had peaceful sleep after 15 days finally.. as Geet is safe and protected.
Adrenaline run through his blood veins.. his mom.. for god sake his mom.. literally adopted his so called wife.
"Damn!!! I am feeling Son-in-law.. in my own house" he murmured irritated.. "why did I have to love my mom so much? Can't I be like those who easily disobeyed their parents" Nakul caught his Sir in the corridor in wired position as Maan is talking with corridor's ceiling.
"Chote Saab" Nakul called him...Sir (Chote Saab)" this time he shouted in his ear.
"What the hell... Nakul !!! Are you on a mission to deaf me" Maan scowled... Nakul just nodded in yes then no... again yes and Maan left from there.. and rolled his eyes mentally.
Maan decided to tell his newly wedded wife the reality of this relation at once and get free from this drama.. so he entered like a wind in their room and with closed eyes.. a spoke in one go what was in his mind till now.
Author knocking
(Imagine their conversation in Hindi as Geet didn't know English but I wrote this part in English but further I wrote all dialogues in Hindi with English translation)
"See... I am not interested in this all drama of marriage" Maan eyed her and hold his heart to hear a very loud cry or gasped or something but nothing comes as he expected.. "let's come to the point... I just tie this relation because of mom or else I am not ready for marriage and this relation" he said in one breath and prayed in his heart that this girl would able to digest this new information.
"If she asked you to jump in well.. would you do that also" she folded her hands just below of her blossoms and asked in really calm and soft voice.. which made Maan blinked for some moments as he was all ready for an outburst and here, he is getting ... what... mocked by a village illiterate girl.. who had a long tongue which is sharp as much as a knife.
"It would be better if I jumped in well instead of marrying you" Maan countered back
"Ohh. Really !!! Then why wouldn't you jump.. I don't remember if I hold your wrist or something.. huh" Geet mocked him and left to change her heavy embroidery Wedding dress.
"What the hell.. from which angle she looked innocent, sweet to my mom.. she is.. she is.. yes a witch with big sharp nails" he scowled and gritted teeth to see the close door of the washroom.
Otherside in the washroom, Geet wiped her tears with the back of her palm but still they are following on their own... her creamy cheek turned red and black because of kohl and anxiety turned into sorrow for life.. her husband didn't even glance in her way... forget about to see her at least once. she was illiterate but not so stupid.. she had handled her father work alone handed.. and she could show her hard self too whilst other side Maan was away from the difficulty of life because of his supportive mother.. and her care.. he is a pampered child of her.

"Maan !!!" Neelam said angrily.. "that was an order.. got it".
"Please mom.. I am saying once again.. I am still not interested in marriage and that to some village girl.. who couldn't even match me... forget about companionship or love.. how could you just destroy your son life for a mere known girl" Maan was really frustrated with his mom wired demand of marriage that too when he is studying and moreover with an illiterate girl. How could he balance his life with a partner who is just exactly opposite to him?
"As you wish Maan... Nakul pack my bags... I'll live with her in her house... just couldn't leave an innocent girl all alone.." Neelam said and marched back to her room.
Maan has been boring his eyes on her back in disbelief.. his mom.. his lovable mom is ready to leave him alone just for a mere village girl, couldn't she just get her here and encourage her for studies.. why all this marriage and drama.
He marched behind her in the room, where his mom was engrossed in packing with Nakul but he couldn't hold his frustration and angrily empty the bag on the floor in one move and shooting glares at Nakul. Nakul saved his own life and got hidden message of his master to leave them alone.
"Mom.. !!! Are you seriously leaving your Maan for that damn girl?? Ohh.. what was her name.. yes Geet" Maan hold Neelam's shoulder in his palms like a toddler as his eyes are reflecting same innocence and hurt.
"Maan" Neelam sighed little... "I have to leave my dear because those villager's heads aren't going to let her go from there before marriage".
"For god sake mom.. she is an adult and capable of taking her own decisions.. and as much as I remembered.. we are still in the 21st century," Maan said in frustration.
"Yes..!! 21st century but let me tell you my son... there are many rules which still not exist in books but exists in society... we can't fight with those villager's as they had their own rule and regulations and believe me Maan.. do I ever compromise when it's comes to you.."
Maan just shook his head in no and turned his face another side. His mom always served him best or what is best for him.. from bitter cough syrup to those fake scolding.. just all are for his betterment till today.. but why marriage... Maan whined like a baby.
"Then why..?? Don't you believe your mom anymore or you are enough big now to take decisions on your own... she is really a homely and good girl.. who will be your backbone all your life... She will not leave you even after I left this world my son.. and I gave my words to her.. now do whatever you want Mr.Khurana"
Neelam just sat there and drank the water from the jug which is placed on side stool attached to the bed.
He glared her because of she is talking all stupid talks of dying and all... "Then why are you bothering to ask me.. just say when and where I had to take rounds around the fire and finish this off," Maan said angrily and left the room.
Neelam sighed "I know Maan.. you are not with me in this decision at all but this is for your own good my son as I observed your company nowadays and those friends of yours are going to spoil you and your innocence, where another side, she was going to teach what is love, what is value.. she may be poor with words but she has a big heart and you need her more than she needs you"
Neelam called pandit Ji in the village and request him to get ready for preparation of marriage. It will be a small affair because of Geet's father death.
He didn't realize... how soon his status changed as an unhappy married man from single happy bachelor, his mom doesn't take even a single day after Geet's father "Terri" (a ritual performed after 13 days of death). She didn't want to leave Geet alone in the village.. so she did everything very quietly and made them also did rituals in a temple.. under the blessing of herself and village sarpanch along with 4 or 5 more people from Geet sides.
Neelam could see her son denial in each and every ritual but she ignored it.. whilst Maan is sucking.
"Please forgive me... Krishna Ji! But this was his grandparents wish so was Geet's grandparents. I would have ignored this wish of them but the sudden death of her father left me with no option and I have to provide a safe accommodation for this little princess.." Neelam sighed.
She welcomed Geet in her bungalow wholeheartedly and made her do all the ritual.. thus Maan was irritated but couldn't speak in front of his mom.. especially when she was overly happy.
She sends her in Maan's room with young girls of the family who recently gathered in Khurana's bungalow after hearing his cousin married than called Maan in her room.
"Mom!!" His disappointed voice always sent shiver in Neelam body but this time... the situation wasn't in her favor.
"I know Maan... I had snatched a very private right of your life... and you has been angry on me for it.. but that was your grandparents wish to see Geet as their daughter in law... but with time this wish vanished in the layer of distance between two families but after seeing that innocent naive girl at the misery of villagers. I couldn't stop myself to tied the knot between you both.. as I had believed in you for her protection.. you may be stubborn, short tempered and modern but I know there is a heart in you hard exterior.. so was my given values.. don't make her feel out of place.. because you never understand.. what is she going through nowadays? Don't make her cry Maan.. she is really very innocent.." Maan was going to leave her room when Neelam added in her speech. "I would choose her.. in case you make situation something like that in future" she remove her glasses and laid down on the bad.. "please close the door before leaving" Neelam heart cried for his son.. so another side she had peaceful sleep after 15 days finally.. as Geet is safe and protected.
Adrenaline run through his blood veins.. his mom.. for god sake his mom.. literally adopted his so called wife.
"Damn!!! I am feeling Son-in-law.. in my own house" he murmured irritated.. "why did I have to love my mom so much? Can't I be like those who easily disobeyed their parents" Nakul caught his Sir in the corridor in wired position as Maan is talking with corridor's ceiling.
"Chote Saab" Nakul called him...Sir (Chote Saab)" this time he shouted in his ear.
"What the hell... Nakul !!! Are you on a mission to deaf me" Maan scowled... Nakul just nodded in yes then no... again yes and Maan left from there.. and rolled his eyes mentally.
Maan decided to tell his newly wedded wife the reality of this relation at once and get free from this drama.. so he entered like a wind in their room and with closed eyes.. a spoke in one go what was in his mind till now.
Author knocking
(Imagine their conversation in Hindi as Geet didn't know English but I wrote this part in English but further I wrote all dialogues in Hindi with English translation)
"See... I am not interested in this all drama of marriage" Maan eyed her and hold his heart to hear a very loud cry or gasped or something but nothing comes as he expected.. "let's come to the point... I just tie this relation because of mom or else I am not ready for marriage and this relation" he said in one breath and prayed in his heart that this girl would able to digest this new information.
"If she asked you to jump in well.. would you do that also" she folded her hands just below of her blossoms and asked in really calm and soft voice.. which made Maan blinked for some moments as he was all ready for an outburst and here, he is getting ... what... mocked by a village illiterate girl.. who had a long tongue which is sharp as much as a knife.
"It would be better if I jumped in well instead of marrying you" Maan countered back
"Ohh. Really !!! Then why wouldn't you jump.. I don't remember if I hold your wrist or something.. huh" Geet mocked him and left to change her heavy embroidery Wedding dress.
"What the hell.. from which angle she looked innocent, sweet to my mom.. she is.. she is.. yes a witch with big sharp nails" he scowled and gritted teeth to see the close door of the washroom.
Otherside in the washroom, Geet wiped her tears with the back of her palm but still they are following on their own... her creamy cheek turned red and black because of kohl and anxiety turned into sorrow for life.. her husband didn't even glance in her way... forget about to see her at least once. she was illiterate but not so stupid.. she had handled her father work alone handed.. and she could show her hard self too whilst other side Maan was away from the difficulty of life because of his supportive mother.. and her care.. he is a pampered child of her.
word – 1580
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