Thursday, 23 February 2017

Daring Love Story Part 15



Maanveer is too angry even to talk too. Ved jii is signaling to Aditya to go and talk with Maanveer as his hands and back is bleeding right now but ved jii had no courage to go near him without his permission and apply ointment.

"I will see this" Aditya assured ved ji and left to see what is Maanveer doing.

"Maharaj!!!! App ved ji ko apna upchar karne de ghav ghare hai aur raasta lamba hai (king!!! Let doctor treat you please, your wounds are deep and our journey is too long)" Aditya said everything with his head bow down.

"Hmm!!! Send him" Maanveer said rolled his eye on Aditya words as those all wounds are ornaments for a warrior and he is used to lots of pain compared to this but still his back is just little too much hurt as elephant directly attacked there.

"As your wish king" Aditya left from there and signaled ved ji to come and starts king treatment.

Ved ji starts Maanveer treatment and he winched every time whenever ved ji putting ointment on his wounds and Geetangli eye are still on him even from far away too she can make out that he is in pain and she is the reason, her inexperience is the reason.


Geetangli felt restless if she is brave than she had guts to accepts her mistake thus it's happened unintentionally but still everyone life was on stakes and Maanveer saved everyone and especially her and lalita after putting his own life in danger.

"Hum jaa rahe hai waha Lalita (I am going there Lalita)"

"Rukiye Geetangli!!!! App bhul gayi maharaj kI agya, vo aur krodhit hu jaye gai (stop Geetangli! !! Do you forget what is king’s order and If you go there than he will be more angry on you)"

"I don't care Lalita, I did a mistake and I will repent too for this" and Geetangli without listening anyone just went near Maanveer again.


Maanveer got conscious with the jiggling sound of Geetangli ornaments. He saw back and closed his eye in frustration and pinched bridge of his nose in anger.

"Geetangli! !! What did I say you some time ago?" Anger is clearly oozing out from his tone but still ved ji is here.

"Vo how is your wounds? Is they are too much panning" Geetangli avoid his questions and spoke in meek voice already guilt is making her suffocated.

"Ved ji it's done, go and check others" Maanveer first dismissed ved ji than angrily turned toward Geetangli who is looking cute with those big foes almond shape eye.

"Didn't I say, don't come out from doli without order" Maanveer asked in hoarse voice.

"I just want to make sure, you are alright" she said meekly and peeped from corner of her eye to see his facial expressions.

"Hmm.. go and follow orders now" his voice is still firm and Geetangli gave in easily because of her own guilt which amused Maanveer as he thought Geetangli is going to keep her sword on his chest because of his ordering tone but he saw only side of Geetangli still not second one.

"Hmm.. looks like sherni is calm now" Maanveer murmured.


Maanveer went in his temporary tent to see some political matters whilst others are busy in their own works. Maanveer send message for Geetangli too before going in tent that she can roam now in their area only but not go near any elephant.

 So, now both Lalita and Geetangli decided to take bath and ordered to her slaves to make a tent near river but Maanveer didn't know anything about all this and as Geetangli is queen now after Maanveer, she is the one whose order is last for soldiers, so no one have guts to say no for her order.

"Geetangli! !! You are best.. I was just thinking when we will going to take bath" Lalita said cheerfully as this is Geetangli and Lalita first experience to see deep forests.

Geetangli is totally unaware from all dangers in forest, undoubtedly she is brave and intelligent but experience played a very important role in our life.

(This is 800 yr old story that time they didn't had tv or discovery so they comes to know everything after experience only, many time they are not able to see even many normal things and places in their whole life. Here Geetangli is a princess, she got her knowledge in palace only and just go out to from palace to see market or some relatives only. She had bravery but no experience of many things)


River is 100 meters far away front their main tent and Geetangli left for a bath with her friends without knowing about dangers which just waiting there for her just to embrace her, her friends are just same like her inexperienced and they all just successful to do whatever they wants without notice by others as most of the main soldiers and warriors in their tent with Maanveer and their is normal soldiers roaming around them but still 50 meters away from queen tent for her privacy.

This river is home of local crocodiles and alligators that is the reason Maanveer went in waterfall in morning which is in deep forest and away from their place but Geetangli is unaware of all this. Right now river bank is full of crocodiles but they are hiding their big body in sand and their Color is too helpful for them.

"Lalita! !! This forest is too scary but still I am not feeling tired to adoring it's beauty" Geetangli voice is filling with new zeal with this new experience.

"Really Geetangli! !!! These pleasant winds and those flowers, everything is so beautiful just like stories of Rani maa" Lalita to talked nonchalantly.

"Hmm.. let’s change in bathing dress and go in white water of this river" Geetangli eye sparked in happiness.

Maanveer just comes out from his tent after finishing his whole work and in one hour they will resume their journey again, so he wants to take rest for this hour without knowing his inexperienced and nave wife is ready to go in crocodiles mouth herself.

"Where is your new queen ?" he asked one of his solider.

"Maharaj !!!! Rani is roaming around to see forest" solider said after bowing his head.

"Hmm..!!" Maanveer saw around to check everything is fine or not but his eye just searching his new interest Geetangli who is nowhere in sight as they made their tent in the protection of tree and used them as curtains.


Maanveer just relaxing on a wood bench and watching their new weapons but still he is wondering where is his new wife.

But sudden panicked shrieks made broke his peaceful thoughts chain.

"Help... please help help... Geetangli... please help"

Maanveer didn't even took second to understand once again Geetangli in some big problem and he just went behind the voices with a single weapon which he had in his hands now.

"Aditya!!! Come with some soldiers" Maan cuts whatever comes between in his way and only to see a dreadful sight In front of him. Geetangli is lying in mud and one of crocodile is holding her leg in between his teeth. Geetangli is trying to fight back but she scared to the death to this big demon in front of her first time. A live crocodile which is almost 10 ft. Long and tripled from Geetangli in wait is coming toward her and shaking his head madly. Geetangli is shouting in panic whilst he is coming closer.

"Geetangli! !!" Maanveer felt frozen little to save Geetangli without being hurt is impossible now and her leg is already damaged in crocodile mouth, but before all this Maanveer have to safe Geetangli life first and with a lighting speed he grabbed crocodile from back and tried to pulled him back whilst his soldiers too tried to controlled this big demon but it's not a cup of cake and he is jerking them away from his body as he too scared from so many humans and it's waste of time to pierced knife in his thick skin as it's only made him angrier and wounded.

 "Geetangli! !! Try to take out your leg from his mouths and run away" Maanveer somehow spoke but she is too much in shock to even hear him even every girl is in shock to see this.

With a final jerk crocodile got success is making him free and hurriedly vanished in water. Maanveer left a sigh breath and turned to see only a beyond shock Geetangli sitting there as statue and her leg is showing from her rip skirt all red in blood.

Maanveer is sure Geetangli lost her leg in all this and he didn't know how to react now.

First he tried to catch his breath and decided to take Geetangli back in their tent than thing something to overcome from this dreadful situation. Somewhere he is also a human with feelings and flash and he knew what is meant to lose your some body part in accident.


Maanveer went near Geetangli and knelt down in front of her and she seemed to be in shock still.

"Geetangli! !! Everything will alright.. come we are going back" Maanveer said gently and dropped the idea to scold her tuis time already her loss is too big to accept.

But Geetangli made him shocked beyond limits with a sudden tight hug, she hide herself in Maanveer big solid protective arms despite their enmity. She is still having flash like that big creature is jerking his head in front of her only to gulp her.

"Vo.. ye .. waha"

"Shh... I understand everything will be fine just keep your strength" Maanveer too take her in his embrace no matter how much they didn't like each other but still she is his wife now and her protection and nourishment is his responsibility. Geetangli just weeped in his chest out of fear but Maanveer scooped her in his arms and took her in their tent and made her lay on the bed. 

"Geetangli!!! Shh now keep quite.. let doctor (ved jii) to treat you" and ved ji comes inside after getting signal from Maanveer but Geetangli is not leaving him and ho holding his upper half in her tight fists and her nails are piecing his skin but his whole concentration in on her leg only.

Maanveer pulled Geetangli skirt little up for ved ji and closed his eye before even see her leg as he is not able to see her almost broken leg and broken face too.

"Maharaj!!! It will took 4 or 5 day for queen wounds and I have to use a painful medicine too to clear those wounds" Maanveer saw back ved ji in surprise he is expecting most dreadful news and what is he saying that means. He dropped his eye with a jerk on Geetangli leg and saw only few side teeth mark on her leg that mean.

"Geetangli!!! Was crocodile holding your leg in between his teeth?" Maanveer voice is showing confusion only.

"Vo.." she nodded in no "he tried but my heavy skirt stuck in his sharp teeth but he was trying to get a hold me leg".

"Geetangli!!! You just save from a biggest lifetime injury, why are crying? You should be happy right now and celebrate that you and your leg is fine" Maanveer said in astonishment.

"After seeing that demon you want me to smile" Geetangli angered shoot up.


Precap: Maanveer warmth for Geetangli and this time is serious as she is just hit by arrow.

your Answer 

@guys Geetangli is brave yet nave... Geetangli is innocent yet intelligent... Geetangli had knowledge but no experience... she heard about war but never seen a real one... she heard about sea forest and Himalaya but never saw all this... knowledge source is only some visitors that time who told their stories as entertainment and others comes to know this is also happened.

Elephant and crocodile incident is not her stupidity but the results of inexperience and lack of knowledge. She brave as warrior but soft too as butterfly.

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