Thursday, 23 February 2017

Daring Love Story Part 16



Maanveer and Geetangli conversation is disturbed by ved ji who come back again with required ointment.

"Maharaj!!! Please hold Rani saa tightly as this paste is very painful whilst cleaning" ved ji voiced shivered whenever he talked with Maanveer because of his anger and demon image.

"Ved jii!!! You do your work, I will be fine" Geetangli said and glared to Maanveer who glared her back.

"As your wish queen" ved ji put ointment on cotton and took Geetangli leg to clean her wounds which comes due to crocodile teeth harsh rubbing.

"Just take care Rani saa, it will burn badly" ved ji warned her once again and Geetangli tightly closed her eye to bear upcoming pain but one person is watching all this in awe as Geetangli is looking small lost kid. He never comes out from his palace with his queens. He loves war more than pleasure.

Ved ji gave first stroke of ointment on Geetangli wound made her wriggle in pain as this is too much to bear only some shrieked comes out from her mouth and automatically her soft hands clenched Maanveer palm.

"No.. no ved ji please use something else this ointment is too acidic" Geetangli moaned in pain but this time Maanveer interfere.

"You shouldn't do this ved ji, go and come with some other ointment" Maanveer stern voice can made shiver any warrior too so he was only old ved ji.

"I am sorry really sorry Maharaj but to get rid from infection this is necessary or else Rani saa leg will be infect soon" his voice is shivering whilst saying all this but he knew, in Maanveer state doctor had advantage to say whatever is right and wrong for patients so they didn't come under punishment for this.

"Is not any other way? Are you sure.. I mean I don't think, she will able bear this pain?" Maanveer eyes are on Geetangli who is lying on bed with closed eye and painful expression is clear on her face.

Ved ji didn't say even a single word and stand there with his head down as he didn't had courage to cut king once again.

"Ok start your processor" Maanveer said with finality and Geetangli eyes are snapped open as no matter what she is not going to bear that torture again.

"No.. I will not going give permission" ved ji saw Maanveer helplessly.

Maanveer closed his eye for one second and open them with determination. He just flipped Geetangli in his arms and hold her both hands in his one palm behind her back and from other hand press her knee straight on bed for ved ji so she didn't move during her treatment.

"Ved ji !!!" And ved ji got Maanveer point and starts to clean, Geetangli wounds who is wriggling badly on Maanveer chest trying to free herself and pushed Maanveer but fortunately or unfortunately Maanveer is 10th folds in strength compared to her soft body.

"Leave... lea.. leave please it's painning Maharaj.. jane do hume"

"Shh.. I must say you are very intelligent.. app crocodiles ko laddu khilane gayi hogi like elephant"

"Kya.. you think I were there to feed those demon" she asked unbelievably her all moments are stopped as she is so engrossed in the fighting with Maanveer.

"Nahi.. k tu kya unhe aaj ke mahabhoj (lunch) per amantrit (invite) karne gayi hogi"

Geetangli is fuming but can't cross her and king respect line in front of others so she just turned her face whilst Maanveer warm breaths are falling on her whole face which is proofing quite disturbing for her as she is first time feeling male proximity.

"It's done Maharaj.. thank you for help of this slave" ved ji caught Geetangli attention who almost forget him.

"Done.." she whispered and saw down toward her leg and than her eye went on Maanveer face who already freed her and right now asking something from ved ji.

"K ved ji.. now you can leave and send Aditya and Lalita inside" Maanveer once again took his sit near Geetangli head.


"Maharaj ki jay hu" Aditya comes inside the tent but stand other side of partition as Maanveer is with his queen right now.

"Hmm.. Aditya we will leave this forest right now.. go and get ready to leave in one hours".

"Jo aagya hukum"


"Pradam maharaj!!!" Lalita bowed her head and joint her hands together in front of Maanveer but her eyes are on Geetangli who is lying there with eye closed and some sweat drops are visible to them on her forehead.

"Hmm.. stay with her and one more thing if she comes out from this tent than you have to bear punishment" Maanveer glared her and left from there.

"Geetangli! !!! How are you? Is king said something to you.. daata ka unhune" lalita asked in concern but Geetangli just nodded in no and hugged Lalita by her waist like baby.

"Shh.. app so jao jara der waise bhi.. we all have to leave in one hour" Lalita patted Geetangli head and she differs into deep sleep.


After sometime Maanveer comes in and found Geetangli is sleeping on Lalita lap and Lalita went conscious to see him inside when she is in no position to greet him, but Maanveer end her misery after showing his palm to her and went near them.

"Abhi soi hai"

"Hmm" Maanveer gently scooped Geetangli soft body in his hard frame and took her out to may her lay in her bull cart and try not to break her sleep and he is successful in it.. still it's took 3 to 4 days to reached "Ratanghad" Maanveer's territory capital thus everything should be fall on right place or else it will increase days.


They are walking from last 3 hours and Geetangli is still in deep sleep but ved ji assured Maanveer that this is just medicine effect on her soft body but unfortunately sky starts to poured heavily and without seeing any other option once again Maanveer's army took one more stoppage in forest which more deep compared to last one and quite dangerous especially for women.

"Everyone just make one tent only and others took their place in bale-gadi (bullock cart) only and be alert" Aditya announced. 

Maanveer took his place in Geetangli bull cart only so he can be save her from any unexpected situation and she is wounded too right now.

Sound of rain in this deep forest is looking too dangerous but around Geetangli friends's doli Aditya himself giving security so every girl in safe hands now. Lalita is also scared to this scary forest but Aditya assured her that she can take rest, he is here for them.


After some hour too this sudden storm is nowhere to stop and now animals are too disturbed to be tied up in their cart so Aditya at last talked with Maanveer and decided to open up all animals from cart and everyone should shift under open clouded sky and heavy rain.

Geetangli is also opened her eye when Maanveer finally shook her shoulder as now she have to come out from her bullock cart too or else there is a risk of her life with the irritated bull in rain.

"Geetangli !!!! How are you now, is your pain lessen?" Maanveer asked gently not wants to startle her with sudden disturbing moments.

"Umm.. veji ki deva nai saare ghav sun kar diye hai(its good now maybe ved jii numb my all wounds with his ointment)" Geetangli moaned little as she was sleeping in same position from so many hours.

"Hmm.. Geetangli! !! There is a problem.." but Aditya cut their conversation by his sudden and panicked appearance.

"Maharaj!!! We are in biggest problem now.. we are in the area of jungles men.. they ruled this forests and surely they will not like our presence here.. I just saw their informer around us and making different sounds" Aditya is patting badly as once again their life under threat and their army is already tired because of long journey and rain.

Maanveer growled "if they do something than they are going to get punishment as there is only one king who ruled all over the world and it's The MAANVEER".

Aditya took a step back to heard Maanveer most dangerous voice and Geetangli is once again surprised.. From starting he loves to tease her and then he showed his concern and bravery now the time of anger.. she thought.

"Called everyone in tent, we should get ready for this upcoming war.. Geetangli stay with Lalita and I don't want any other mistake from your side" this is like warning for Geetangli and she nodded without arguing as she understood gravity of situation right now and her own enmity with Maanveer comes second when there is question of so many lifes.

Geetangli settled with other girls in the group under one big tree which is quite enough to save them from heavy rain and as per Maanveer first order one group of special soldiers covered them from all side to stop any future displease incident.

Other side Maanveer is still in the tent and one by one every man is coming out and commanding to bunch of soldiers to take their position. Lalita and Geetangli is keenly watching all this as they saw everything in their practice not in real as every time of war her father send her to her mother's house.

"its look like maharaj is really intelligent and he already showed his 2 time to us" Lalita spoke still lost in the view of soldiers activities.

"Don't be go gaga over him.. he did everything because if something happened to me everyone laughed on him that he can't even able to save his own than what will he do for his contrary" Geetangli hatred overpowered her sense but amusingly she herself didn't agree with her own words in soul but she brushed it off.


Maanveer didn't come near Geetangli from last 2 hours approx. But Geetangli can see him roaming around and giving commands to his army somewhere Geetangli understood why he won every war because his army is so brave and disciplined yet honest toward him. She saw their gratitude toward Maanveer but still she is unaware of the reason.

Geetangli is distracted by the low sounds of some animal child.. which is probably crying. She tried to see in the darkness but nothing comes to her vision but cries are increasing and shifting from one place to another place.

"Ye awaaz kaisi hai Krishna jii" her eye are still serching owner of the voice. 

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